LunarFox's Homepage


My name is LunarFox, I also go by 'Penny.' This is my homepage.

I run a blog here and I keep links to anything interesting I have to show you (or anything interesting I find from someone else).

Below is my latest blog post, above you can find a link to my full blog and comments section (coming soon).

What kind of things do I post about here? Honestly whatever I want. I may just post random thoughts that come to mind, or more extended thoughts that I think are worth fleshing out. I might also post updates on tech projects that I'm working on. I do assorted odds and ends.

In addition I also do art these days, so you can find a gallery of my works. I prefer to make comics though, and those will be hosted elsewhere. Watch the blog for announcements and check the links section for links.

That's all.

A Long Overdue Update

Ok gang, took a while, but I finally got around to updating this page.

I've been putting this off for a couple of years now for two reasons. Firstly, I was unsure what to even do with this webpage given what it was trying to be. See I initially set it up to try and be two things at once, a personal homepage and a professional portfolio page. One reason it took me so long to update this is that I realized that there wasn't a way for me to do both of those things at once to my satisfaction. Making it a professional portfolio page meant both making it look too much like every other webpage in existence, thus less personal, and making it more of a fun personalized homepage would have made it seem less like the kind of thing that would get me steady employment in a professional tech job (which was the idea when I first strated writing this website back then). Not to mention, I didn't want my personal identity to be too easily traced by any random person who stumbled across my fun, quirky homepage (I still don't) which again limited what I could actually put on here as a portfolio page.

Another reason is, well, I kind of got what I was wanting out of a homepage out of Cohost for a long time. I could express myself there quite easily, and with far less work on my part to maintain a whole webpage. Not to mention my ideas about getting a tech sector job began evaporate the more and more NFTs and AI started to dominate every tech conversation. I still like computers and coding, and working on tech stuff, but getting a full career in tech means having to put up with some of the grossest things I've seen come out of computers in a long time, and I don't have the stomach for that. So a "programmer's portfolio" site this is not going to be.

But, now, Cohost is about to go read only, and my last few spots for self-expression are increasingly going to be the worst platforms I've ever seen. I accept this is the reality of social media platforms at the present, but I still don't want to have to put up with it as my only option for being myself.

So, I won't. So, I need a personal site.

As for what this site is going to be now... I honestly have only a faint idea. Self-expression, sure, and occasionally showing off a thing that I think is cool, but those are fluid concepts on purpose. I just don't want to tie myself into any specific expectations from anyone else anymore. And I'm just going to have to be okay with that. And I think I will.

Besides. Anything I actually want to show anyone who isn't a weird nerd like me? Well, I can make a separate webpage just for that, now can't I? ;P

That being said, let me give you a quick rundown of the new features of this site.

Anyways I hope to keep this going further after this, and to be a little more frequent with updates. The world is only getting faster it feels like and I don't want to miss my chance to have fun and hang with all of you.

Bye for Naow.